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Martinoli Fin for Singles and Doubles
Single and Double Nylon Fins: Martinoli nylon fin for singles and doubles. Will fit our Rec-Racers and FISA Singles.

Carbon Fins For BBG 1xs and 2xs
Carbon Fins For BBG Singles and Doubles: Dreher Carbon Fins are designed to fit BBG singles and doubles. Available in two sizes (small and large) and two styles (the classic Parallelogram shape and the newer Sailboard shape).

Martinoli Fin for Quads and Fours
Quad and Four Nylon Fins: Martinoli nylon fin for quads and fours (Martinoli 30). 14 cm long and 4.3 mm wide at fin box.

Set Screw for BBG Fins
Set Screw for BBG Fins: To be used with aluminum or carbon fins on BBG 1Xs or 2Xs.