Showing 13–24 of 26 results

Row-Wik Scull Grip Wrap
Row-Wik Scull Grip Wrap: Row-Wik is easy to wrap, performs well in dry, humid, rainy and cold weather. Most importantly, it is easy on the hands. It has a subtle textured surface that wicks away moisture and provides a good … Read more

Carbon Sidestay – Tube Only
Carbon Side-Stay Tube: Carbon sidestay for Dreher side mounted carbon tubular riggers. Priced per sidestay. Please provide length of tube.

Stämpfli Sculling Grips: Team Order
Stämpfli Sculling Grips: Natural rubber grips with a knurled texture. Stämpfli Grips have been used by scullers worldwide for decades. The grips are made of a natural rubber and have a knurled diamond cross-hatch pattern resulting in a texture that … Read more

Nite-Row-Lites: Rowing navigation lights available in green, red, and white. These 1 LED lamp lights have a silicone light dispersion attachment to make the light more visible from all angles. They are equipped with a strong rubber attachment band for … Read more

SRS Scull Sleeves
Priced per Pair.

SRS Scull Collars
Priced per Pair.

Martinoli Scull Sleeves for Fixed Length Sculls
Martinoli Scull Sleeves for Fixed Length Sculls: A more traditional (“D” shaped) sleeve used on Dreher Carbon Recreational Sculls. Price per pair.

Martinoli Collars for Fixed Length Sculls
Martinoli Collars for Fixed Length Sculls: Used on Dreher Carbon Recreational Sculls with Martinoli Scull Sleeves. Red and green collars. Priced per pair.

Handle Ends for Fixed Length Sculls
Handle Ends: Snap-In replacement handle end for Dreher recreational fixed length sculls. Fits 29 mm diameter handle end. Sold individually.