Carbon Pitch Meter:
For carbon tubular riggers (side or top mounted). Requires a pin with M8 x 20 mm dimpled hex bolts and with zero degree outboard pitch.
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Carbon Pitch Meter:
For carbon tubular riggers (side or top mounted). Requires a pin with M8 x 20 mm dimpled hex bolts and with zero degree outboard pitch.
Carbon Side Mounted Sculling Riggers: Dreher ultra-stiff carbon tubular riggers complete with side stay assembly, back stay assembly, oarlock and pin. Sold as a pair. The rigger components are uncut and unassembled. No boat shims are included. The carbon “cup … Read more
Carbon Side Mounted Sweep Rigger Assembled: Dreher ultra-stiff carbon tubular riggers complete with side stay assembly, backstay assembly, oarlock, and pin. The rigger components made to the boat. Boat shims will be included. Price provided per rigger. The carbon “cup-shaped” … Read more
Carbon Tank Sweep Oar: For Dreher Indoor Rowing Tanks only. Requires the following information in the ‘Order Notes’ section of the Checkout page: Name of tank. Total length of the shaft. Distance from the blade tip to shaft/blade interface. Distance … Read more
Sidestay Assembly: Carbon side-stay assembly for Dreher side mounted carbon tubular riggers. Complete assembly of carbon side-stay tube: carbon Boat Attachment Piece (BAP); carbon Rigger Connector (RC-7); and hardware (slot reinforcement and clip). Priced per side-stay assembly. Please provide the length of … Read more
Priced per Handle.
Hex Head Bolt: Sold in packs of 4. For attaching the scull pin to the C-Cup of the carbon tubular sculling rigger. With a counter sunk dimple in the head, the hex bolt is attached on each end of the pin allowing … Read more
Stern Mounted Hollow Carbon Wing Rigger: The carbon top-mounted hollow wing was introduced in the Fall of 2014. This stiff rigger has a lightweight aerodynamic foil shape with a cutaway section over the foot stretcher. The hollow wing can be … Read more
Boat Attachment Pieces for the Stern Mounted Hollow Carbon Wing Rigger: Also called “Z” Risers, the boat attachment pieces for the Carbon Wing Rigger used on FISA singles and Rec Racers come in two heights.
Rigger Shims: Plastic rigger shims from Martinoli. One pack of 5 shims: 0; 0.5; 1; 1.5; and 2 degrees. Various shim sizes can be stacked to achieve correct height.
Carbon Side-Stay Tube: Carbon sidestay for Dreher side mounted carbon tubular riggers. Priced per sidestay. Please provide length of tube.