Slotted Reinforcement – Carbon Tubular Rigger Part:
Stainless steel slotted reinforcement piece that sets into the carbon slotted interface (“RC-7”) on the side-stay of the Dreher Carbon Tubular Rigger.
Slotted Reinforcement – Carbon Tubular Rigger Part:
Stainless steel slotted reinforcement piece that sets into the carbon slotted interface (“RC-7”) on the side-stay of the Dreher Carbon Tubular Rigger.
Carbon Side Mounted Sweep Rigger Assembled: Dreher ultra-stiff carbon tubular riggers complete with side stay assembly, backstay assembly, oarlock, and pin. The rigger components made to the boat. Boat shims will be included. Price provided per rigger. The carbon “cup-shaped” … Read more
Slotted Interface (RC-7) – Carbon Tubular Rigger Part: The carbon slotted interface (also known as “RC-7”) connects the side stay with the back stay. The slot allows for changes in spread. This part is epoxied into the end of a … Read more
Sidestay Assembly: Carbon side-stay assembly for Dreher side mounted carbon tubular riggers. Complete assembly of carbon side-stay tube: carbon Boat Attachment Piece (BAP); carbon Rigger Connector (RC-7); and hardware (slot reinforcement and clip). Priced per side-stay assembly. Please provide the length of … Read more
Carbon Pitch Meter: For carbon tubular riggers (side or top mounted). Requires a pin with M8 x 20 mm dimpled hex bolts and with zero degree outboard pitch.
Ruled Rigger Decal: Measurement of spread/span in centimeters for use on Dreher Carbon Tubular Riggers and Dreher Carbon Wing Riggers.
Backstay Assembly: Carbon backstay assembly for Dreher side mounted carbon tubular riggers. Complete assembly of carbon back-stay tube: anodized plug; knurled washer; threaded Delrin connector piece; anodized bent arm and nut; carbon angled PITA; and hardware. Priced per backstay assembly. Please provide length … Read more
Concept2 Sweep Oarlock: Blue metric pitch bushings included. Sold individually.
Thin Oar Lock Adjustment Spacers: Make height changes with thin oarlock spacers. Sized for 13 mm pins. Sold in packs of twenty.
Stainless Steel Double T-Bolts: –M6x35 for the F5 Foot Stretcher –M6x45 for the F4 Extra Stiff Foot Stretcher
Carbon Back-Stay Tube: Carbon backstay for Dreher side mounted carbon tubular riggers. Priced per backstay. Please provide length of tube.